京辰生科 Megazyme 食品醣類檢測分析試劑 【NEOGEN】台灣代理商
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京辰生科 台灣代理商【Megazyme】【Neogen】食品醣類檢測分析試劑
京辰生科【Megazyme】台灣代理商 Neogen Megazyme 食品醣類檢測分析試劑 assay kit Elisa kit Megazyme distributor

京辰生科 陳先生0906-860-657
K-CERA α-Amylase Assay Kit (Ceralpha Method)
K-AMYLSD α-Amylase SD Assay Kit
K-BETA3 β-Amylase Assay Kit (Betamyl-3)
K-MALTA Malt Amylase
K-AMYL Amylose/Amylopectin
K-ARAB Arabinan
K-ARGA L-Arabinose/D-Galactose (Rapid)
K-CellG5 endo-Cellulase (CellG5 method)
K-CellG3 endo-Cellulase (CellG3 method)
K-ETOH Ethanol
K-TDFR Fiber (Total Dietary Fiber)
K-INTDF Fiber (Integrated Total Dietary Fiber)
K-RINTDF Fiber (Rapid Integrated Total Dietary Fiber)
K-TDFC Fiber Controls (Total Dietary Fiber)
K-FRUCHK Fructan (Hexokinase format)
K-GALM Galactomannan (Carob or guar)
K-BGLU -Glucan (Barley & oat; mixed linkage)
K-YBGL -Glucan (Yeast & mushroom)
K-EBHLG -Glucan (Yeast enzymatic)
K-MBG4 -Glucanase/Lichenase (MBG4 method)
K-MBGL -Glucanase (Malt & microbial)
K-GLUM Glucomannan
K-GATE D-Gluconate Acid/D-Glucono--lactone
K-GAMINE D-Glucosamine (D-Glucosamine sulphate)
K-GLUC D-Glucose (GOPOD format)
K-GLUHK D-Glucose (Hexokinase format)
K-URONIC D-Glucuronic/D-Galacturonic Acid
K-AGLUA -Glucuronidase
K-DLATE D-/L-Lactic Acid
K-LATE L-Lactic Acid
K-LACGAR Lactose/D-Galactose (Rapid)
K-LACSU Lactose/Sucrose/D-Glucose
K-MASUG Maltose/Sucrose/D-Glucose
K-MANOL D-Mannitol/L-Arabitol
K-MANGL D-Mannose/D-Fructose/D-Glucose
K-PECID Pectin Identification
K-PullG6 Pullulanase/Limit Dextrinase (PullG6 method)
K-RAFGA Raffinose/D-Galactose
K-RAFGL Raffinose/Sucrose/D-Glucose
K-SORB D-Sorbitol/Xylitol
K-SDAM Starch Damage
K-RSTAR Starch (Resistant Starch)
K-TSTA Starch (Total Starch; GOPOD format)
K-RSTCL Starch Controls (Resistant Starch)
K-TSHK Starch (Total Starch; Hexokinase format)
K-SUFRG Sucrose/D-Fructose/D-Glucose
K-SUCGL Sucrose/D-Glucose
K-TREH Trehalose
K-AZOWAX Xylanase (Azo-Wax format)
K-XYLS Xylanase (Xylazyme AX format)
K-XylX6 Xylanase (XylX6 method)
T-AMZ Amylazyme
T-ARZ-200T Arabinazyme
T-AMZHY-200T Amylazyme HY
T-CCZ Cellazyme C
Cat. No. Product
T-CTZ Cellazyme T
T-DEXT-200T Alpha-Dextrazyme
T-LDZ Limit-Dextrizyme
T-GLZ Galactazyme
T-BGZ -Glucazyme
T-CUR-200T 1,3--Glucazyme HS
T-MNZ Mannazyme
T-RHAM-200T Rhamnozyme
T-XAX Xylazyme AX
E-DEXT Dextranase (Chaetomium sp.)"
E-BNAHP Rec-N-Acetylhexosaminidase (prokaryote)
E-AXEAO RecAcetylxylan esterase (Orpinomyces sp.)
E-AXSEC Rec-Xylosidase (E. coli)
E-ALGLS RecAlginate lyase (Sphingomonas sp.)
E-ANAAM -Amylase (A. oryzae)
E-BLAAM -Amylase (B. licheniformis)
E-PANAA -Amylase (Porcine Pancreatic)
E-BARBL -Amylase (barley; liquid)
E-BARBP -Amylase (barley; powder)
E-BAMBC Rec-Amylase (B. cereus)
E-AMGDF Amyloglucosidase (A. niger)
E-AMGPU Amyloglucosidase (Rhizopus sp.)
E-AMGDFNG Amyloglucosidase (A. niger) Glycerol Free
E-EARAB endo-1,5--L-Arabinanase (A. niger)
E-ABFAN -L-Arabinofuranosidase (A. nidulans)
E-ABFBO17 -L-Arabinofuranosidase B17
(Bacteroides ovatus)
E-ABFB025 -L-Arabinofuranosidase B25
(Bacteroides ovatus)
E-AFASE -L-Arabinofuranosidase (A. niger)
E-AFAM2 Rec-L-Arabinofuranosidase (novel specificity)
(B. adolescentis)
E-ABFUM Rec-L-Arabinofuranosidase (U. maydis)
E-ARBACJ Recendo-/exo-Arabinanase (C. japonicus)
E-CBHI Cellobiohydrolase I (T. longibrachiatum)
E-CBHIIM RecCellobiohydrolase II (microbial)
E-CELAN Cellulase (endo-1,4--D-glucanase) (A. niger)
E-CELBA "RecCellulase (endo-1,4--D-glucanase)
(B. amyloliquefaciens)"
E-CELTM RecCellulase (endo-1,4--D-glucanase)
(T. maritima)
E-CELTH Cellulase (endo-1,4--D-glucanase)
(T. halotolerans)
E-CELTE Cellulase (endo-1,4--D-glucanase) (T. emersonii)
E-CELTR Cellulase (endo-1,4--D-glucanase)
(T. longibrachiatum)
E-FAERU RecFeruloyl esterase (rumen microorganism)
E-FAEZCT RecFeruloyl esterase (C. thermocellum)
E-FRMXLQ Fructanase mixture (purified; liquid)
E-FRMXPD Fructanase Mixture (purified-powder)
E-FUCHS Rec-(1-2,3,4,6)-L-Fucosidase (Homo sapiens)
E-FUCTM Rec-Fucosidase (thermostable) (T. maritima)
E-EGALN endo-1,4--D-Galactanase (A. niger)
E-GALCJ Recendo-1,4--D-Galactanase (C. japonicus)
E-GALCT Recendo-1,4--D-Galactanase (C. thermocellum)
E-GALDH RecGalactose dehydrogenase (soil prokaryote)
E-GALMUT RecGalactose dehydrogenase - Galactose
E-AGLAN -Galactosidase (A. niger)
E-AGLANP -Galactosidase (A. niger) powder
E-AGLGU -Galactosidase (guar)
E-BGLAN -Galactosidase (A. niger)
E-LICACT RecNon-specific endo-1,3(4)--Glucanase
(C. thermocellum)
E-EXBGOS exo-1,3--D-Glucanase + -Glucosidase
E-LAMSE endo-1,3--D-Glucanase (Trichoderma sp.)
E-LAMHV Recendo-1,3--D-Glucanase (barley)
E-EXG5AO Recexo-1,3--D-Glucanse (A. oryzae)
E-GOXCA Glucose oxidase - Catalase mixture (eukaryote)
E-GPDH5 "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
(L. mesenteroides)"
E-GPDHEC RecGlucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (E. coli)
E-EXBGTV Recexo-1,3--D-Glucanase (Tricoderma virens)
E-TSAGL -Glucosidase (B. stearothermophilus)
E-TSAGS Rec-Glucosidase (B. stearothermophilus)
E-MALTS -Glucosidase (maltase) (yeast)
E-TRNGL -Glucosidase (transglucosidase) (A. niger)
E-AGLUTM Rec-Glucosidase (thermostable) (T. maritima)
E-BGLUC -Glucosidase (A. niger)
E-BGOSAG Rec-Glucosidase (Agrobacterium sp.)
E-BGOSTM Rec-Glucosidase (thermostable) (T. maritima)
E-BGOSPC Rec-Glucosidase (thermostable) (P. chrysosporium)
E-BGLAEC Rec-Glucuronidase (E. coli)
E-AGUBS Rec-Glucuronidase (G. stearothermophilus)
E-HYLSP RecHyaluronate lyase (novel specificity)
(soil prokaryote)
E-ENDOIAN Recendo-Inulinase (A. niger)
E-EXOIAN Recexo-Inulinase (A. niger)
E-INVRT Invertase (fructofuranosidase) (yeast)
E-INVPD Invertase powder
E-ISAMY Isoamylase (glycogen 6-glucanohydrolase)
E-MNHPF RecMannitol dehydrogenase (P. fluorescens)
E-LLDHP RecL-Lactate dehydrogenase (Porcine)
E-MAST Malt Amylase Standard
E-MASTP Malt amylase standard (powder)
E-PCLYAN Pectate lyase (Aspergillus sp.)
E-PCLYAN2 Pectate lyase (Aspergillus sp.)
E-LICHN Lichenase (endo-1,3:1,4--D-Glucanase)
(Bacillus sp.)
E-BMANN endo-1,4 -Mannanase (A. niger)
E-BMABC Recendo-1,4--Mannanase (B. circulans)
E-BMABS endo-1,4 -Mannanase (Bacillus sp.)
E-BMACJ Recendo-1,4 -Mannanase (C. japonicus)
E-AMANBT Rec-D-Mannosidase (B. thetaiotaomicron)
E-BMOSCF Rec-Mannosidase (C. fimi)
E-PLYCJ RecPectate lyase (C. japonicus)
E-PGIBS RecPhosphoglucose isomerase (B. subtilis)
"E-PGIEC RecPhosphoglucose isomerase (E. coli)E-PGISC
RecPhosphoglucose isomerase (S. cerevisiae)"
E-PGM Rec-Phosphoglucomutase (microbial)
E-PMIEC RecPhosphomannose isomerase (E. coli)
E-PGALUSP endo-Polygalacturonanase M2 (A. aculeatus)
E-PULKP Pullulanase M1 (K. planticola)
E-PULBL Pullulanase M2 (B. licheniformis)
E-RHAMS Rec-Rhamnosidase (prokaryote)
E-SUCR Sucrase (maltase) (yeast)
E-SUCRBG Sucrase plus -Galactosidase
E-TREH RecTrehalase (prokaryote)
E-UAO RecUricase (eukaryote)
E-XANLB RecXanthan lyase (Bacillus sp.)
E-XYTR1 endo-1,4--Xylanase M1 (T. viride)
E-XYTR3 endo-1,4--Xylanase M3
(T. longibrachiatum ; pl 9.0)
E-XYAN4 endo-1,4--Xylanase M4 (A. niger)
E-XYRU6 endo-1,4--Xylanase (rumen microorganism)
E-XGP74 Recendo-1,4--Xyloglucanase (Paenibacillus sp.)
E-XYLATM Recendo-1,4--Xylanase (T. maritima)
E-XYNACJ Recendo-1,4--Xylanase (C. japonicus)
E-XYLNP Recendo-1,4--Xylanase (N. patriciarum)
E-XYNBS Recendo-1,4--Xylanase (B. stearothermophilus T6)
E-XEGP RecXyloglucanase (Paenibacillus sp.)
E-XYLMUT RecXylose dehydrogenase + Xylose mutarotase
E-BXSEBP Rec-Xylosidase (B. pumilus)
E-BXSR Rec-D-Xylosidase (S. ruminantium)
O-CHI2 Diacetyl-chitobiose
O-CHI3 Triacetyl-chitotriose
O-CHI4 Tetraacetyl-chitotetraose
O-CHI5 Pentaacetyl-chitopentaose
O-CHI6 Hexaacetyl-chitohexaose
Amylosaccharides (mixed-linkage)
O-PAN Panose
O-IPAN Isopanose
O-GMT 63--D-Glucosyl-maltotriose
O-GMH 63--D-Glucosyl-maltotriosyl-maltotriose
O-MTMT 63--D-Maltotriosyl-maltotriose
O-ABI Arabinobiose (syrup)
O-ATR Arabinotriose (syrup)
O-ATE Arabinotetraose (syrup)
O-APE Arabinopentaose (syrup)
O-AHE Arabinohexaose (powder)
O-AHP Arabinoheptaose (powder)
O-AOC Arabino-octaose (powder)
O-A3X 32--L-Arabinofuranosyl-xylobiose (A3X)
O-A2XX 23--L-Arabinofuranosyl-xylotriose (A2XX)
O-A23XX "23,33-di--L-Arabinofuranosyl-xylotetraose
O-XA3XX 33--L-Arabinofuranosyl-xylotetraose (XA3XX)
O-XAXXMIX "33--L- plus 23--L-arabinofuranosyl-
xylotetraose (XA3XX/XA2XX) mixture"
O-CTR Cellotriose
O-CTE Cellotetraose
O-CPE Cellopentaose
O-CHE Cellohexaose
1,3:1,4 -Gluco-Oligosaccharides
O-BGTRIA 32 --D-Glucosyl-cellobiose
O-BGTRIB 31--D-Cellobiosyl-glucose
O-BGTETB 31--D-Cellotriosyl-glucose
O-BGTETC 32--D-Cellobiosyl-cellobiose +
O-KTR 1-Kestose
O-KTE 1,1-Kestotetraose
O-KPE 1,1,1-Kestopentaose
O-INU3 Inulotriose
O-LEV3 Levantriose
O-LEV2 Levanbiose
Galactooligosaccharides (GOS)
O-GBI3 1,3--D-Galactobiose
O-GBI4 1,4--D-Galactobiose
O-GBI6 6--D-Galactobiose
O-LAC3 1,3--D-Galactosyl-D-glucose
O-LAC6 Allolactose (1,6--D-Galactosyl-D-glucose)
O-GM 1,4--D-Glucosyl-D-Mannose
O-GMM 1,4--D-Glucosyl-D-Mannobiose
O-GGM 1,4--D-Cellobiosyl-D-Mannose
O-MGM 1,4--D-Mannosyl-1,4--D-Glucosyl-D-Mannose
Galactosyl-Sucrose Oligosaccharides
O-VER Verbascose
Gluco-disaccharides (Various Linkages)
O-GENT Gentiobiose
O-NGR Nigerose
O-SOPH Sophorose
O-GM3 61--D-Galactosyl-mannotriose
O-GMM3 61--D-Galactosyl-mannobiose + mannotriose
O-GGM5 63,64--D-Galactosyl-mannopentaose
O-LAM2 Laminaribiose
O-LAM3 Laminaritriose
O-LAM4 Laminaritetraose
O-LAM5 Laminaripentaose
O-LAM6 Laminarihexaose
O-IMO2 Isomaltose
O-IMO3 Isomaltotriose
O-MAL3 Maltotriose
O-MAL4 Maltotetraose
O-GALA2 Digalacturonic acid
Xyloglucan Derived Oligosaccharides
O-IPRM Isoprimeverose (xyloglucan derived)
O-X3G4 Heptasaccharide (X3Glc4)
O-XGHON Xyloglucan (Hepta + octa + nona saccharides)
O-XGHDP Higher DP xyloglucan oligosaccharides
O-XBI Xylobiose
O-XTR Xylotriose
O-XTE Xylotetraose
O-XPE Xylopentaose
O-XHE Xylohexaose
O-MBI Mannobiose
O-MTR Mannotriose
O-MTE Mannotetraose
O-MPE Mannopentaose
O-MHE Mannohexaose
Colourimetric Oligosaccharides
O-B4MUG3 Blocked 4-methylumbelliferyl--cellotrioside
O-4MUX2 4-Methylumbelliferyl--xylobioside
O-ONPX2 2-Nitrophenyl--xylobioside
O-PNPX2 4-Nitrophenyl--xylobioside
O-PNPX3 4-Nitrophenyl--xylotrioside (20 mg)
O-PNPX 4-Nitrophenyl--D-xylopyranoside (1 g)
O-PNPAX 4-Nitrophenyl--D-xylopyranoside
O-PNPNAG 4-Nitrophenyl--N-acetyl-D-glucosaminide
O-PNPCH2 4-Nitrophenyl-N,N’-diacetyl--chitobioside
O-PNPAF 4-Nitrophenyl--L-arabinofuranoside
O-PNPAG 4-Nitrophenyl--D-glucopyranoside
O-PNPBG 4-Nitrophenyl--D-glucopyranoside
O-PNPAGAL 4-Nitrophenyl--D-galactopyranoside
O-PNPBGAL 4-Nitrophenyl--D-galactopyranoside
O-PNPAGALA 4-Nitrophenyl--D-galacturonide
O-PNPBGALA 4-Nitrophenyl--D-galacturonide
O-PNPAGA 4-Nitrophenyl--D-glucuronide
O-PNPBGA 4-Nitrophenyl--D-glucuronide
O-PNPAFC 4-Nitrophenyl--L-fucopyranoside
O-PNPAM 4-Nitrophenyl--D-mannopyranoside
O-PNPBM 4-Nitrophenyl--D-mannopyranoside
O-PNPL-100 4-Nitrophenyl--lactoside
P-AMYL Amylose (potato)
P-ARAB Arabinan (sugar beet)
P-DBAR Debranched Arabinan (sugar beet)
P-LARB Linear 1,5--L-Arabinan (sugar beet)
P-CMLA CM-Linear 1,5--L-Arabinan (sugar beet)
P-ARGAL Arabinogalactan (larch wood)
P-RAXY Arabinoxylan (rye flour)
P-WAXYL Arabinoxylan (wheat flour; Ara : Xyl = 38:62)
P-WAXYM Arabinoxylan (wheat flour; Ara : Xyl = 38:62)
P-WAXYH Arabinoxylan (wheat flour; high viscosity;
Ara : Xyl = 38:62)
P-WAXYRS Arabinoxylan (Wheat Flour; Ara : Xyl = 38:62;
for Reducing Sugar Assays)
P-WAXYI Arabinoxylan (wheat flour; Ara : Xyl = 36:51)
P-ADWAX22 Wheat Arabinoxylan (acid debranched, 22% Ara)
P-EDWAX30 Wheat Arabinoxylan
(enzyme debranched, 30% Ara)
P-BGBL -Glucan (barley; low viscosity)
P-BGBM -Glucan (barley; medium viscosity)
P-BGBH -Glucan (barley; high viscosity)
P-BGOM -Glucan (oat; medium viscosity)
P-BGOH -Glucan (oat; high viscosity)
P-BGYST -Glucan (yeast; alkali soluble)
P-BGCFA -Glucan CFA standard
P-MWBGS -Glucan MW standard
P-BLDX -Limit Dextrin
P-CMC4M Carboxymethyl Cellulose 4M
P-CHITN Colloidal Chitin (Shrimp shells)
P-CURDL Curdlan
P-AMYL Amylose (potato)
P-ARAB Arabinan (sugar beet)
P-DBAR Debranched Arabinan (sugar beet)
P-LARB Linear 1,5--L-Arabinan (sugar beet)
P-CMLA CM-Linear 1,5--L-Arabinan (sugar beet)
P-ARGAL Arabinogalactan (larch wood)
P-RAXY Arabinoxylan (rye flour)
P-WAXYL Arabinoxylan (wheat flour; Ara : Xyl = 38:62)
P-WAXYM Arabinoxylan (wheat flour; Ara : Xyl = 38:62)
P-WAXYH Arabinoxylan (wheat flour; high viscosity;
Ara : Xyl = 38:62)
P-WAXYRS Arabinoxylan (Wheat Flour; Ara : Xyl = 38:62;
for Reducing Sugar Assays)
P-WAXYI Arabinoxylan (wheat flour; Ara : Xyl = 36:51)
P-ADWAX22 Wheat Arabinoxylan (acid debranched, 22% Ara)
P-EDWAX30 Wheat Arabinoxylan
(enzyme debranched, 30% Ara)
P-BGBL -Glucan (barley; low viscosity)
P-BGBM -Glucan (barley; medium viscosity)
P-BGBH -Glucan (barley; high viscosity)
P-BGOM -Glucan (oat; medium viscosity)
P-BGOH -Glucan (oat; high viscosity)
P-BGYST -Glucan (yeast; alkali soluble)
P-BGCFA -Glucan CFA standard
P-MWBGS -Glucan MW standard
P-BLDX -Limit Dextrin
P-CMC4M Carboxymethyl Cellulose 4M
P-CHITN Colloidal Chitin (Shrimp shells)
P-CURDL Curdlan
P-CMCUR CM-Curdlan
P-DEXT Dextran
P-FOS28 Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
P-GALLU Galactan (lupin)
P-GALPOT Galactan (potato)
P-GALML Galactomannan (carob; low viscosity)
P-GALMH Galactomannan (carob; high viscosity)
P-GGMMV Galactomannan (guar; medium viscosity)
P-GGMHV Galactomannan (guar; high viscosity)
P-GGM21 Galactomannan (guar; galactose depleted; 21% gal)
P-GLCML Glucomannan (konjac; low viscosity)
P-GLCMH Glucomannan (konjac; high viscosity)
P-INUL Inulin
P-LICHN Lichenan (icelandic moss)
P-MANIV Mannan (ivory nut)
P-MANCB Mannan (1,4--D-mannan)
P-PACHY Pachyman (1,3--D-glucan)
P-CMPAC CM-Pachyman
P-PGAPT Pectic Galactan (potato)
P-PGACT Polygalacturonic Acid (PGA)
P-PULLN Pullulan
P-RHAM1 Rhamnogalacturonan I (potato)
P-XANTH Xanthan Gum
P-RHAGN Rhamnogalacturonan (soy bean)
P-XYLNBE Xylan (Beechwood; purified)
P-XYGLN Xyloglucan (tamarind)
R-AMHR4 Amylase HR Reagent - 4 Vials
R-AMGR3 Amyloglucosidase Assay Reagent - 4 Vials
R-BAMR3 Betamyl-3; -Amylase Assay Reagent - 4 Vials
R-CAAR4 Ceralpha; -Amylase Reagent - 4 Vials
R-GLC4 Glucose Determination Reagent - 4 Vials
C-ATP Adenosine 5’-triphosphate
C-CLFR Calcofluor Fluorescent Stain
C-COA500 Coenzyme A (trilithium salt) (500 mg)
C-NAD -Nicotinamide adenine di-nucleotide
C-NADP "-Nicotinamide adenine di-nucleotide
C-NADH "-Nicotinamide adenine di-nucleotide
reduced salt"
B-MES250 MES Monohydrate Buffer Salt
B-TRIS500 TRIS Buffer Salt
S-ABG100 Azo-Barley Glucan
S-ACGLM Azo-Carob Galactomannan
S-ACMCL Azo-CM-Cellulose (liquid)
S-ACMC Azo-CM-Cellulose (powder)
S-AZFR5 Azo-Fructan
S-AZFRXOI Azo-Fructan plus exo-Inulinase
S-AGALP Azo-Galactan (potato)
S-AWAXL Azo-Wheat Arabinoxylan (liquid)
S-AWAXP Azo-Wheat Arabinoxylan (powder)
S-AXBL Azo-Xylan (birchwood) (liquid)
S-AXBP Azo-Xylan (birchwood) (powder)
S-AZXG Azo-Xyloglucan (tamarind)
S-AZRH AZ-Rhamnogalacturonan
S-RDAR Red Debranched Arabinan (sugar beet)
S-RPUL Red Pullulan
S-RSTAR Red Starch
I-AZDAR AZCL-Arabinan (debranched)
I-AZXYG AZCL-Xyloglucan (tamarind)
I-AAVIC Azo-Avicel
I-AZBGL AZCL-Barley -Glucan
I-AZGLP AZCL-Galactan (potato)
I-AZGMA AZCL-Galactomannan (carob)
I-AZDEX AZCL-Dextran (No. B-512)
I-AZRHI AZCL-Rhamnogalacturonan I
I-AZXBE AZCL-Xylan (Beechwood)
I-AZWAX AZCL-Arabinoxylan (wheat)
I-AZWAXF AZCL-Arabinoxylan (Wheat) (fine)
G-AMBH Ambersep 200 H+ Ion Exchange Resin
G-AMBOH Amberlite FPA OH Ion Exchange Resin
G-CEL100 Celite
G-CEL500 Celite
G- CONA1000 Concanavalin A (Con A)
G-CONA200 Concanavalin A (Con A)
G- LCYST200 L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Monohydrate
T-PRAK200 Protazyme AK
T- PRAK1000 Protazyme AK
T-PROL200 Protazyme OL
T- PROL1000 Protazyme OL
T-AMZ200 Amylazyme
T-AMZ1000 Amylazyme
T- AMZBG200 Amylazyme BG
T- AMZRD200 Amylazyme Red
T- AMZRD1000 Amylazyme Red
T-ARZ200 Arabinazyme
T-CCZ200 Cellazyme C
T-CCZ1000 Cellazyme C
T-CTZ200 Cellazyme T
T-CTZ1000 Cellazyme T
T-CHZ200 Chitozyme
T-DEXT200 Alpha-Dextrazyme
T-LDZ200 Limit-Dextrizyme
T-LDZ1000 Limit-Dextrizyme
T-GLZ200 Galactazyme
T-GLZ1000 Galactazyme
T-BGZ200 Beta-Glucazyme
T-BGZ1000 Beta-Glucazyme
T-PAZ200 1,3-Beta-Glucazyme
T-MNZ200 Mannazyme
T-MNZ1000 Mannazyme
T-PSYL200 Psyllazyme
T-RHAM200 Rhamnozyme
T-XYZ200 Xylazyme (100 mg tablets)
T-XYZ1000 Xylazyme (100 mg tablets)
T-XAX200 Xylazyme AX (60 mg tablets)
T-XAX1000 Xylazyme AX (60 mg tablets)
K-ACHYD Acetaldehyde Assay Kit
K-ACET Acetic Acid (ACS Manual Format) Assay Kit
K-ACETAF Acetic Acid (ACS Analyser Format) Assay Kit
K-ACETAK Acetic Acid (Acetate Kinase Analyser Format) NEW
K-ACETRM Acetic Acid (Acetate Kinase Manual Format)
K-ACHDF Available Carbohydrates / Dietary Fibre Assay Kit
K-AGLUA α-D-Glucuronidase Assay Kit
K-AMIAR Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit
K-AMYL Amylose/Amylopectin Assay Kit
K-ARAB Arabinan Assay Kit
K-LARGE L-Arginine/Urea/Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit
K-ASCO L-Ascorbic Acid (L-Ascorbate) Assay Kit
K-ASNAM L-Asparagine/L-Glutamine/Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit
K-ASPTM Aspartame Assay Kit
K-EBHLG Enzymatic Yeast Beta-Glucan Kit
K-MBGL Beta-Glucanase (Malt & Microbial) Assay Kit
K-BGLU Beta-Glucan (Mixed Linkage) Assay Kit
K-YBGL Yeast Beta Glucan Assay Kit
K-BETA3 Betamyl-3: Beta-Amylase Assay Kit
K-CERA Ceralpha: Alpha-Amylase Assay Kit
K-CITR Citric Acid Assay Kit
K-ETOH Ethanol Assay Kit (New form kit)
K-FORM Formic Acid Assay Kit
K-FRUC Fructan Assay Kit
K-FRUCHK Fructan HK Assay Kit
K-FRUGL D-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit
K-FRGLMQ D-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit (MegaQuant TM format)
K-FRGLQR D-Fructose / D-Glucose (Liquid Ready Reagent for Auto and Plate)
K-FUCOSE L-Fucose Assay Kit
K-GALM Galactomannan
K-GLUM Glucomannan Assay Kit
K-GATE D-Gluconate/D-Glucono-d-lactone Assay Kit
K-GLUC D-Glucose (GOPOD Format) Assay Kit
K-GLUHKL D-Glucose HK Assay Kit
K-GLUHKR D-Glucose HK Assay Kit
K-GAMINE D-Glucosamine Assay Kit
K-GLOX Glucose Oxidase Assay Kit
K-URONIC D-Glucuronic/D-Galacturonic Kit
K-GLUT L-Glutamic Acid
K-GLNAM L-Glutamine/Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit
K-GCROL Glycerol Assay Kit
K-GCROLGK Glycerol GK Assay Kit
K-HDBA D-3-Hydroxybutyric Acid Assay Kit
K-INTDF Inegrated Total Dietary Fibre Assay Kit
K-ISOC D-Isocitric Acid Assay Kit
K-DATE D-Lactic Acid (D-Lactate) (Rapid) NEW
K-DLATE D/L-Lactic Acid (D-/L-Lacate) Assay Kit
K-LATE L-Lactic Acid (L-Lactate) Assay Kit
K-LACGAR Lactose/Galactose (Rapid)
K-LACSU Lactose/Sucrose/D-Glucose Assay Kit
K-LACTUL Lactulose Assay Kit
K-DMAL D-Malic Acid Assay Kit
K-LMALQR L-Malic Acid (Liquid Ready Reagent)
K-LMALAF L-Malic Acid (Analyser Format) Assay Kit
K-LMALL L-Malic Acid Assay Kit
K-LMALR L-Malic Acid Assay Kit
K-LMALMQ L-Malic Acid Kit (MegaQuant TM format)
K-MALTA Malt Amylase Assay Kit
K-MASUG Maltose/Sucrose/D-Glucose Assay Kit
K-MANOL D-Mannitol/L-Arabitol Assay Kit
K-MANGL D-Mannose/D-Fructose/D-Glucose Assay Kit
K-PECID Pectin Identification Assay Kit
K-PHYT Phytic Acid/Total Phosphorus
K-PANOPA Primary Amino Nitrogen (PANOPA) Assay Kit
K-PYRUV Pyruvic Acid Assay Kit
K-RAFGA Raffinose/D-Galactose Assay Kit
K-RAFGL Raffinose/D-Glucose
K-RSTAR Resistant Starch Assay Kit
K-RSTCL Resistant Starch Control Flours Kit
K-RHAM L-Rhamnose Assay Kit
K-SORB D-Sorbitol/Xylitol Assay Kit
K-SDAM Starch Damage Assay Kit
K-SUCC Succinic Acid Assay Kit
K-SUFRG Sucrose/Fructose/D-Glucose
K-SUCGL Sucrose/D-Glucose Assay Kit
K-SULPH Total and Free Sulphite Assay Kit
K-TSULPH Total Sulphite Assay Kit
K-ETSULPH Total Sulphite (Enzymatic) Kit
K-TART Tartaric Acid Kit
K-INTDF Integrated Total Dietary Fibre Kit
K-TDFR Total Dietary Fibre Assay Kit
K-TDFC Total Dietary Fibre Control Flours Kit
K-TSTA Total Starch (AA/AMG) Assay Kit
K-TSCK Total Starch Control Flours Kit
K-TSULPH Total Sulphite Assay Kit
K-TREH Trehalose Assay Kit
K-URAMR Urea/Ammonia (Rapid) Assay Kit
K-XYLS Xylanase Assay Kit (Xylazyme AX)
K-AZOWAX Xylanase Assay Kit (Azo-Wax)
K-XYLOSE D-Xylose assay Kit
京辰生科 台灣代理商 Megazyme 食品醣類檢測分析試劑 Assay kit 中草藥標準品 抗生素紙錠 Etest MIC strips 厭氧缸產氣包 Neogen Himedia 微生物培養基