京辰生科【Addgene】台灣代理商 Plasmid 質粒 病毒液或Kit 質體 Vector 客製化 訂製 Plasmids
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京辰生科 Addgene 台灣代理商 Plasmid質粒 病毒液或Kit 質體 Vector 京辰生科提供【Addgene】停產or無法進口的特殊Vector & 訂製質體質粒 Plasmid客製化服務 京辰生科 台灣代理商 Addgene plasmid 質體質粒儲存庫 ~特殊客製化訂製質體Sars- Cov-2 COVID-19 plasmid 載體Vector 病毒載體 微生物 載體骨架 分生

京辰生科 可以客製化服務~ 提供以下產品Plasmids Vector
addgene Currently unavailable outside the U.S.
addgene This vector is NOT available from Addgene.
京辰生科 陳先生0906-860-657
特殊plasmid Addgene 買不到怎麼辦?京辰生科 客製化訂製plasmid質體質粒 Vector載體骨架~微生物質體 病毒質粒 幹細胞質粒 Covid19質體 Sars-Cov2質粒
Vector Database Catalog Number: GenBank:
Plasmid: pDO184 87042 U03460
Plasmid: pDO17 87040 U03459
Plasmid: pRAJ275 U02456
Plasmid: pSPL3
Plasmid: pCYM03 37827
Plasmid: pCYM3 37826
Plasmid: pNOT19 77278
Plasmid: pNOT322 77279
Plasmid: pRAJ275 U02456
Plasmid: pATH1 37695 M32985
Plasmid: pMAC5-8 L08930, A10238, A06419, A08598
Plasmid: pATH11 37699 M33625
(Plasmid #17532)" 17532
"pVSV Venus VSV-G
(Plasmid #36399)" 36399
(Plasmid #36398)" 36398
(Plasmid #31842)" 31842
(Plasmid #31833)" 31833
(Plasmid #172389)" 172389
(Plasmid #172388)" 172388
(Plasmid #172387)" 172387
(Plasmid #172386)" 172386
(Plasmid #172385)" 172385
(Plasmid #172384)" 172384
(Plasmid #172383)" 172383
(Plasmid #172382)" 172382
(Plasmid #172381)" 172381
(Plasmid #172380)" 172380
(Plasmid #87221)" 87221
" CANE-LV envelope
(Plasmid #86666)" 86666
" pLenti-hSynapsin-Cre-WPRE
(Plasmid #86641)" 86641
(Plasmid #170447)" 170447
"pTwist-SARS-CoV Δ18
(Plasmid #169465)" 169465
(Plasmid #15785)" 15785
(Plasmid #15793)" 15793
" pHCMV-LCMV-Arm53b
(Plasmid #15796)" 15796
(Plasmid #170448)" 170448
(Plasmid #58975)" 58975
(Plasmid #58974)" 58974
(Plasmid #104332)" 104332
(Plasmid #104330)" 104330
(Plasmid #102987)" 102987
" pAAV-CMV-FLEX-TVAmCherry-2A-oG
(Plasmid #102985)" 102985
(Plasmid #102984)" 102984
(Plasmid #99609)" 99609
(Plasmid #99608)" 99608
"pGL4.23 A82V/T230A/D637G 2014 EBOV Delta-Mucin-Like-Domain
(Plasmid #86026)" 86026
"pGL4.23 A82V/T230A 2014 EBOV Delta-Mucin-Like-Domain
(Plasmid #86025)" 86025
"pGL4.23 D637G 2014 EBOV Delta-Mucin-Like-Domain
(Plasmid #86024)" 86024
"pGL4.23 T230A 2014 EBOV Delta-Mucin-Like-Domain
(Plasmid #86023)" 86023
"pGL4.23 A82V 2014 EBOV Delta-Mucin-Like-Domain
(Plasmid #86022)" 86022
"pGL4.23 WT 2014 EBOV Delta-Mucin-Like-Domain
(Plasmid #86021)" 86021
"pGL4.23 A82V/T230A/D637G 2014 EBOV + Mucin-Like Domain
(Plasmid #86020)" 86020
"pGL4.23 A82V/T230A 2014 EBOV + Mucin-Like Domain
(Plasmid #86019)" 86019
"pGL4.23 D637G 2014 EBOV + Mucin-Like Domain
(Plasmid #86018)" 86018
"pGL4.23 T230A 2014 EBOV + Mucin-Like Domain
(Plasmid #86017)" 86017
(Plasmid #111158)" 111158
(Plasmid #111157)" 111157
(Plasmid #111156)" 111156
(Plasmid #170448)" 170448
(Plasmid #170447)" 170447
(Plasmid #59333)" 59333
(Plasmid #59328)" 59328
(Plasmid #59327)" 59327
(Plasmid #59326)" 59326
(Plasmid #59325)" 59325
(Plasmid #52499)" 52499
(Plasmid #59925)" 59925
(Plasmid #59924) Print
" 59924
(Plasmid #59923)" 59923
(Plasmid #59922)" 59922
(Plasmid #59921)" 59921
(Plasmid #56052)" 56052
(Plasmid #65305)" 65305
"pAAV hSyn syph-GFP-myc-BoNT/B(1-146)-iLID
(Plasmid #122981)" 122981
"pET15b LFn-Fla 3A
(Plasmid #84872)" 84872
"pET15b LFn-Fla
(Plasmid #84871)" 84871
"pFastBacDual with PA+Histag
(Plasmid #84870)" 84870
"pFastBacDual with LFn + PrgJ
(Plasmid #84869)" 84869
"pFastBacDual with LFn + Needle
(Plasmid #84868)" 84868
"pFastBacDual with LFn + FlaAAA
(Plasmid #84867)" 84867
"pFastBacDual with LFn + Fla
(Plasmid #84866)" 84866
"pET22b - PA
(Plasmid #84863)" 84863
(Plasmid #8454)" 8454
(Plasmid #12259)" 12259
(Plasmid #1733)" 1733
(Plasmid #22501)" 22501
(Plasmid #35616)" 35616
(Plasmid #12259)" 12259
(Plasmid #8454)" 8454
(Plasmid #1733)" 1733
(Plasmid #17532)" 17532
(Plasmid #22501)" 22501
(Plasmid #35616)" 35616

特殊plasmid Addgene 買不到怎麼辦?京辰生科 客製化訂製plasmid質體質粒 Vector載體骨架~微生物質體 病毒質粒 幹細胞質粒 Covid19質體 Sars-Cov2質粒
京辰生科 台灣代理商 Addgene plasmid 質體質粒儲存庫 ~特殊客製化訂製質體Sars- Cov-2 COVID-19 plasmid 載體Vector 病毒載體 微生物 載體骨架 分生
【Addgene】One Million Plasmids Shared
Addgene has now shared 1 million plasmids with researchers around the globe. As part of our celebration, we put some Addgenies on the spot with some questions about plasmid sharing. How long does it take to make a plasmids? How much time has Addgene saved researchers? The responses varied tremendously, so we asked Addgene Blue Flame depositor, John Doench, to do the math to help us settle the debate. Enjoy!
【Addgene】What is a Plasmid? - Plasmids 101
Plasmids. Any life scientist working in a lab has surely heard about them. But what is a plasmid? Where are they found? And why are they so useful to scientists? Find out, in this animation!