【Cyagen】台灣代理商 細胞 幹細胞
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【Cyagen】台灣代理商 細胞 幹細胞(Mesenchymal Stem Cells、Embryonic Stem Cells、Neural Stem Cells)、螢光標定幹細胞、各式初代細胞與特殊培養試劑,另有客製化細胞服務(Gene knockin、knickout...等)
【Cyagen】總部位於美國,在日本和中國設有分公司,並在中國設有生產工廠。Cyagen是全球最大的定制工程鼠標和大鼠模型供應商。 Cyagen也提供一系列用於研究幹細胞產品,包括細胞系,培養基和分化套組。
1.生成定制的轉基因囓齒動物模型。作為定制囓齒動物模型的領導者,Cyagen提供了根據您的基因研究需求量身定制的“一站式服務”。Cyagen 的服務範圍從DNA載體構建到胚胎幹細胞操作,顯微注射和育種。所有項目都是完全可定制和靈活的。客戶可以將囓齒動物模型項目的任何階段外包給我們。
2.現成的基因剔除(KO)目錄模型。 Cyagen Knockout目錄模型在100%純C57BL / 6背景上具有10,000種以上的基因敲除小鼠模型,可在3個月內交付。這些已建立的品系已經驗證了基因分型數據,從而規避了與模型生成過程相關的風險。 Cyagen創新的小鼠精子冷凍恢復技術建立在Cyagen 在定制動物模型生成方面積累的經驗基礎上,為活體小鼠提供了無與倫比的可靠性,效率和經濟性。立即查找您感興趣的基因-按基因名稱或NCBI基因ID搜索。
3.生成量身定制的DNA載體和研究用病毒。 Cyagen可以構建幾乎任何類型的DNA載體,以滿足您的研究需求。 2013年,Cyagen 通過推出BAC重組和病毒打包服務擴展了我們的服務組合。 Cyagen將病毒包裝在兩個專用的,獨立的10,000類超淨病毒包裝室中,這些室配備了生物安全等級2(BSL-2)機櫃和培養箱。
4.生產研究用幹細胞和相關培養試劑。 Cyagen擁有廣泛的研究用幹細胞產品組合,包括胚胎幹細胞和多種衍生自各種物種的體細胞。Cyagen 還提供各種補充培養和分化培養基,以支持這些細胞的生長和維持。Cyagen 的所有產品均在《 Nature》和《PNAS》等期刊中被廣泛引用。
CELL產品清單 | ||
Catalog Number | Product Name | Specification |
RAFMX-01001 | Fischer 344 (F344) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
RAFMX-01201 | Fischer 344 (F344) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells with RFP | 1*10^6/vial |
RAFMX-01101 | Fischer 344 (F344) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
RASMX-01001 | Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
RASMX-01101 | Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
RASMX-01201 | Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells with RFP | 1*10^6/vial |
MUBMX-01001 | Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
MUBMX-01101 | Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
MUBMX-01201 | Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells with RFP | 1*10^6/vial |
HUXMA-01001 | Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
HUXMA-01101 | Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
MUCMX-01001 | Strain Balb/c Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
MUCMX-01101 | Balb/c Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
RAWMX-01001 | Wistar Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
CAXMX-01001 | Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
CAXMX-01101 | Dog Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
RBXMX-01001 | Rabbit Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
HUXMD-01001 | Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
RAWMD-01001 | Wistar Rat Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
RASMD-01001 | Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rat Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
MUBMD-01001 | Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
MUBMD-01101 | Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
RBXMD-01001 | Rabbit Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
CAXMD-01001 | Dog Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
MUAES-01001 | Strain 129 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
MUAES-01101 | Strain 129 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
MUAES-01201 | Strain 129 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells with RFP | 1*10^6/vial |
MUBES-01001 | Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
MUBES-01101 | Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
MUBES-01201 | Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells with RFP | 1*10^6/vial |
RASNF-01001 | Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rat Neural Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
MUBNF-01001 | Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Neural Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
MUBNF-01101 | Strain C57BL/6 Mouse Neural Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
HUXUC-01001 | Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
HUXUC-01101 | Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
HUXUB-01001 | Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 1*10^6/vial |
HUXUB-01101 | Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells with GFP | 1*10^6/vial |
WCCFN-00001-2 | Wistar Fetal Rat Cortex Neuros | 2*10^6/vial |
WHCFN-00001 | Wistar Fetal Rat Hippocampus Neurons | 1*10^6/vial |
SCCFN-00001-2 | Sprague-Dawley (SD) Fetal Rat Cortex Neurons | 2*10^6/vial |
SHCFN-00001 | Sprague-Dawley (SD) Fetal Rat Hippocampus Neurons | 1*10^6/vial |
FCCFN-00001-2 | Fischer 344 (F344) Fetal Rat Cortex Neurons | 2*10^6/vial |
FHCFN-00001 | Fischer 344 (F344) Fetal Rat Hippocampus Neurons | 1*10^6/vial |
WCCAC-00001 | Wistar Rat Astrocytes | 1*10^6/vial |
SCCAC-00001 | Sprague-Dawly (SD) Rat Astrocytes | 1*10^6/vial |
FCCAC-00001 | Fischer 344 (F344) Rat Astrocytes | 1*10^6/vial |
MUIEF-01002-10 | Strain ICR Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Irradiated, 10-Vial Package (MEF) | 1*10^6/vial |
MUIEF-01002-2 | Strain ICR Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Irradiated (MEF) | 1*10^6/vial |
MUIEF-01002-1 | Strain ICR Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Irradiated (MEF) | 1*10^6/vial |
MUDEF-01002 | KO-Certified 3 Drug-Resistant Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, Irradiated (3R MEF) | 1*10^6/vial |